Rado Pišot, PhD
Principal Research Associate
Director of ZRS Koper
Phone: +386 5 663 77 00
Research fields:
- Sports science/Kinesiology
- Motor development and motor learning; mechanisms of adaptation of the motor system and functional capacity in humans – development-, environment- and lifestyle-specific
Rado Pišot graduated from the Faculty of Physical Culture (former name of the Faculty of Sports) of the University of Ljubljana, completed his master’s degree in the joint program of the Faculty of Sports in Ljubljana and the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb, and obtained his doctoral degree in kinesiological science in 1997 at the Faculty of Sports in Ljubljana with the thesis “The Model of Motor Space of Six-and-a-Half-Year-Old Children before and after the Partialization of Morphological Characteristics”.Since March 2013, Dr. Pišot has first held the positions of director of the Science and Research Centre, University of Primorska, Koper, since 2017 he is the director of the Science and Research Centre (ZRS) Koper and a member of the Scientific Council of ZRS Koper. Before that he was, as its originator and founder, head of the Institute for Kinesiology Research (IKARUS) of ZRS from the time of its foundation in 2004 to March 2013.
His main areas of research are human motor development and motor learning, as well as mechanisms of adaptation of the human motor system and functional capacities - developmentally, environmentally and life-specific. He transfers his research findings and numerous professional experiences to students of different universities at home and abroad. He is a mentor to young researchers, leader of several international and national projects. He has received several international and national awards and prizes for his work, including the Bloudek Award for the Development of Kinesiology.
He was one of the proposers and preparers of the basis for establishing the University of Primorska (UP), a member of the first Senate of the University of Primorska and the first dean of the Faculty of Education of UP in Koper (2003–2007). Between 2007 and 2011, prof. Rado Pišot served as vice-rector for the area of scientific research and development at the University of Primorska. With his colleagues, he was the author and initiator of the creation of new study programmes in Applied Kinesiology 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree and the accreditation of the Faculty of Ergonomic and Kinesiological Studies (FENIKS). Until 2016, he served as Coordinator of the study programmes and Acting Dean of FENIKS. As a full professor of kinesiology, he transfers his research findings and his extensive professional experience to students in various courses at all levels of study at universities at home and abroad. Until 2017, he was a lecturer at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Education (UP PEF) and at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) in the study programme of Applied Kinesiology. Since 2017 he has been lecturing at the postgraduate programmes of the University of Ljubljana; Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Medicine of the University of Maribor.
Rado Pišot has published numerous scientific articles and his scientific publications comprise over 700 units. His works are often cited in Slovenian and foreign literature.
He has received extensive recognition for his professional and research work: the UP ZRS Glasnik znanosti (‘Herald of Science’) award; “Alfonso Borelli” international award for scientific contribution to the field of space physiology, presented by the University of Naples, Italy; Gold Plaque of the University of Primorska; title of Honorary Senator of the UP Faculty of Education; “Primorski Um” Distinction for achievements in the economy of Primorska; title of Honorary Invited Professor of the University of Zagreb; international ISAA recognition (International Step by Step Association) and the “Bloudek Plaque” of the Republic of Slovenia for contribution to the development of Slovenian sports.