Surviving the Anthropocene through Inventing New Ecological Justice and Biosocial Philosophical Literacy
ARRS code: J7-1824
Period: 1. 7. 2019 – 30. 6. 2023
Project head: prof. dr. Lenart Škof (ZRS Koper)
Surviving the Anthropocene through Inventing New Ecological Justice and Biosocial Philosophical Literacy aims to resolve the perceived clash between culture, nature, ethics, and policy in the Anthropocene through a critical inter-disciplinary approach. It offers a new space for the exploration of elemental water and the development of water literacy. Water animates all life and critically relies on appropriate conditions for expression, co-evolvement and life-supporting reorganization. A critical aspect of the research project is an innovative, inclusive ecopedagogical approach that inspires a range of stakeholders, and is invested in disrupting pre-existing structural obstacles and perceptions of the more-than-human world as “resource” or “environmental service provider” (Kopnina, 2014; Dolšak&Hillyard, 2014).
We understand ‘elements’ in the sense of some of the main works on the elements – water, air, fire and earth – i.e., of G. Bachelard’s Air and Dreams and Water and Dreams (Bachelard 2006 and 2011), Merleau-Ponty’s ecological philosophy of the elements (Merleau-Ponty 2007) and Luce Irigaray’s works on water and air) as an ontologico-material substratum of our world (Irigaray 2008 and 2016). The ‘elemental’ and human worlds ontologically relate to each other and all beings (vegetal beings and, nonhuman animals) as this project will demonstrate. The specificity of this inquiry rests with the elements of water (an element of fluidity/porousness; Hawke&Palsson 2017) and air (as an element of a new ‘respiratory philosophy’; Škof&Berndtson 2018; Irigaray 2016). These two elements animate all life and critically rely on the mutuality of clean aquatic and atmospheric conditions for expression, co-evolvement and life- supporting reorganization.
Nature has been increasingly commoditised and ecologically degraded through lack of effective, companion-centred mutual respect and ethical governance and wise stewardship of nature (Hawke&Palsson 2017). By centering ecology and navigating new ecological justice through new hydro-logics, the proposed research will champion connectivity and resilience, awe and wonder. The flow on aims and effects of these motivations is to inspire accountability in educational design and citizen engagement that speaks with nature, rather than about nature as a passive and subordinate ‘other’. This necessarily inter-disciplinary project has three main objectives:
I. To understand and co-direct water and its connections more holistically as having environmental, economic and cultural value through ecological literacy;
II. To enact water literacy as understood philosophically and socio-culturally through the application of CAS towards new ontological direction;
III. To advance ecological restorative justice and intersubjective ethics in theory and praxis through innovative philosophy and bio-respect for elemental worlds founded in distinct, creative and inclusive pedagogy
Project head
prof. dr. Lenart Škof –Participating as the head of the Institute for Philosophical Studies (ZRS Koper)
Dr. Shé Hawke Mackenzie – Research Associate, Participating through her role as Head of Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies and member of Institute for Philosophical Studies, ZRS Koper
Dr. Nadja Furlan Štante – Principal Research Associate, Participating through The Institute for Philosophical Studies, ZRS Koper
Dr. Nives Dolšak – Participating through the partner Alma Mater Europea – European Center, Maribor and as Director od the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle
Dr. Maja Bjelica – Research Assistant Participating through Institute for Philosophical Studies, ZRS Koper
Dr. Petri Joakim Berndtson – Research Associate, Participating through The Institute for Philosophical Studies, ZRS Koper
Dr Reingard Spannring – International Research Partner and Leader from University of Innsbruck, Austria
Dr Rado Bohinc – Principal Research Associate, Law Institute, ZRS Koper

From left to right: Reingard Spannring, Shé Hawke, Lenart Škof, Nadja Furlan Štante, Kristjan Nemac, Nives Dolšak
Scientific Publications:
- Hawke, Shé. M., and Rana Spannring (2022): “Embodying the Earth: Environmental Pedagogy, Re-wilding Waterscapes and Human Consciousness”. In Pedagogy in the Anthropocene, edited by M. Paulsen, j. jagodzinski, and S. M. Hawke, Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 197–215.
- Paulsen, Michael, jan jagodzinski and Shé M. Hawke (2022): “A Critical Introduction”. In Pedagogy in the Anthropocene, edited by M. Paulsen M., j. jagodzinski, and S. M. Hawke, Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 1–30.
- Dolšak, Nives, and Aseem Prakash (2022): »Three Facets of Climate Justice.« Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 25, pp. 283–301.
- Furlan Štante, Nadja (2021): »(Eco)Peace-building a venue for women’s Inter-religious Action.« In Contemporary ecotheology, climate justice and environmental stewardship in world religions, edited by Louk A. Andrianos and Tom Sverre Tomren. Steinkjer: Embla Akademisk, pp. 118–131.
- Uji, Azusa, Jaehyun Song, Nives Dolšak, and Aseem Prakash (2021) “Public Support for Climate Adaptation Aid and Migrants: A Conjoint Experiment in Japan.” Environmental Research Letters, vol. 16, no. 12, 124073.
- Škof, Lenart (2021): »The food, water, air and fire doctrines in ancient Indian and Greek philosophies from a comparative perspective«, Asian studies, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 303–320.
- Bjelica, Maja (2021): »Listening: an interdisciplinary path towards letting things be«, Horizon: fenomenologičeskie issledovaniâ, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 212–231.
- Spannring, R.; Hawke, S. (2021) Anthropocene Challenges for Youth Research: Understanding Agency and Change through Complex, Adapative Systems. In Journal of Youth Studies (ahead-of-print, open access)
- Kopnina, H.; Spannring, R.; Hawke, S.; Robertson, C.; Thomasberger, A.; Maloney, M.; Morini, M.; Lynn, W.; Muhammad, N.Z.; Santiago-Ávila, F.; Begovic, H.; Baranowski, M. (2021) Ecodemocracy in Practice: Exploration of Debates on Limits and Possibilities of Addressing Environmental Challenges within Democratic Systems. In Visions for Sustainability, 15 (ahead-of-print, open access)
- Škof, Lenart (2020): »Kristusova navzočnost v svetu in sodobna okoljska teološka misel«, Foreword to the book Modrost Zemlje in Kristusova navzočnost by Marko Pogačnik, Koper: Annales ZRS, pp. 7–15.
- Grušovnik, Tomaz, Spannring, Reingard in Syse, Karen Lykke (eds.) (2020): Environmental and Animal Abuse Denial: Averting our Gaze. Lexington.
- Nemac, Kristjan (2020): Do we need to change the system? : think global and create a local alternative. In: Fuerst-Bjeliš, Borna in Leimgruber, Walter (eds.). Globalization, marginalization and conflict : political, economic and social processes, (Perspectives on Geographical Marginality, vol. 6). Cham: Springer. cop., pp. 31-46.
Conference and Guest Speakers:
- Škof, Lenart (2022): “‘The Blessed Cosmos compared to the Air we Breathe’”, lecture on the International Transdisciplinary Symposium Airy Encounters: Respiratory Philosophy and Sound Arts, Helsinki, June 7, 2022.
- Berndtson, Petri (2022): “Philosophical Breathwork in Theory and in Praxis: Experiential lecture”, lecture on the International Transdisciplinary Symposium Airy Encounters: Respiratory Philosophy and Sound Arts, Helsinki, June 8, 2022.
- Bjelica, Maja (2022): “Respiratory voicings: inspiring and conspiring”, lecture on the International Transdisciplinary Symposium Airy Encounters: Respiratory Philosophy and Sound Arts, Helsinki, June 8, 2022.
- Škof, Lenart (2022): »Philosophical and ethical perspectives of pollution«, lecture on the 9th meeting about chemical safety: The impact of industrial pollution on the health of employees and the surrounding population, Ljubljana, April 22, 2022.
- Bohinc, Rado (2022): Keynote speech at the 9th Uniglobe International Management Conference on Innovation and sustainability in business (UIMC ISB – 2022), April 6 and 7, 2022.
- Škof, Lenart (2021): »A Path Towards Listening«, lecture at the international seminar for postgraduate students Listening and Polyphony: Echoes of Phenomenology, Ethics, and Environmental Studies, online, November 23rd, 2021.
- Bjelica, Maja (2021): »Re-Listening Deeply for an Eco-central Ethics«, lecture at the international seminar for postgraduate students Listening and Polyphony: Echoes of Phenomenology, Ethics, and Environmental Studies, online, November 23rd, 2021.
- Furlan Štante, Nadja (2021): »Kaj nam lahko ponudi filozofija pri soočanju z vplivi človekove dejavnosti na okolje, ki so tako veliki, da so sprožili novo geološko dobo, imenovano “antropocen”?«, round-table discussion at the event Filozofija v antropocenu, UNESCO World Day of Philosophy, online, November 18th, 2021.
- Furlan Štante, Nadja (2021): »Care for creation and metanoia from the lenses of eco-feminist theology«, keynote address at the International Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology, Creation -Transformation-Theology, August 25th–28th, 2021, Osnabrück.
- Spannring, Reingard (2021): »Living like a river in a concrete bed – subjectivity and nature in critical theory«, contribution at the international workshop Water Epistemologies: Trans-cultural and Trasnspecies Knowledge, Ethics and Citizenship in Waterscapes, June 21st, 2021, online, co-organised by University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education, Austria, and University of Primorska, Faculty of Education, Slovenia.
- Škof, Lenart (2021): »Being in the Heart of the Matter: Reflections on Ontology, Cosmic Christ and Polar Bears«, paper on panel »Embodied Theologies and Sentient Cosmologies« at the international symposium Surviving The Anthropocene Towards Elemental Literacy And Interdisciplinary Partnerships, May 25th, 2021, online, co-organised by ZRS Koper, Institute for Philosophical Studies; University of Iceland, Department of Philosophy; University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education; and Alma Mater Europaea, Slovenia.
- Dolšak, Nives (2021): »Three Facets of Climate Justice in the U.S.A.«, paper on panel »The Anthropocene Scene« at the international symposium Surviving The Anthropocene Towards Elemental Literacy And Interdisciplinary Partnerships, May 24th, 2021, online, co-organised by ZRS Koper, Institute for Philosophical Studies; University of Iceland, Department of Philosophy; University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education; and Alma Mater Europaea, Slovenia.
- Berndtson, Petri (2021): »Avicenna’s Flying Person in the Aerial Flesh«, paper on panel »Air, Dust, and Flesh« at the international symposium Surviving The Anthropocene Towards Elemental Literacy And Interdisciplinary Partnerships, May 25th, 2021, online, co-organised by ZRS Koper, Institute for Philosophical Studies; University of Iceland, Department of Philosophy; University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education; and Alma Mater Europaea, Slovenia.
- Spannring, Reingard (2021): »Subjective Experience as the Basis for Connectivity and Respect in a More-Than-Human World?«, paper on panel »Pedagogical and Experiential Sentience« at the international symposium Surviving The Anthropocene Towards Elemental Literacy And Interdisciplinary Partnerships, May 26th, 2021, online, co-organised by ZRS Koper, Institute for Philosophical Studies; University of Iceland, Department of Philosophy; University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education; and Alma Mater Europaea, Slovenia.
- Bjelica, Maja (2021): »Deep Re-Listening: Re-Referring to the World as Sentient, through Co-subjectivity«, paper on panel »Pedagogical and Experiential Sentience« at the international symposium Surviving The Anthropocene Towards Elemental Literacy And Interdisciplinary Partnerships, May 26th, 2021, online, co-organised by ZRS Koper, Institute for Philosophical Studies; University of Iceland, Department of Philosophy; University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education; and Alma Mater Europaea, Slovenia.
- Hawke, S. (2021) “Re-wilding Waterscapes Through a Renewed ‘Ecology of Mind’” at International workshop “Water Epistemologies: Trans-cultural and Trasnspecies Knowledge, Ethics and Citizenship in Waterscapes”, 21 June, 2021, Hosted by Reingard Spannring (University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education, Austria ) and Tomaž Grušovnik (University of Primorska, Faculty of Education, Slovenia).
- Hawke, S. (2021) “Re-Stor(y)ing a World: Porous Entanglements and Elemental Literacy” paper on panel: “Cross-cultural, Elemental Consciousness and Embodied Cohabitation” at Surviving The Anthropocene Towards Elemental Literacy And Interdisciplinary Partnerships: An Interdisciplinary Symposium 26 May, 2021 – Hosted by University of Iceland; Science and Research Centre, Slovenia; University of Innsbruck, Austria and Alma Mater Europaea, Slovenia.
- Hawke, S. (2021) “End on Sea” paper on panel: “Creating with Polluted Seas: Toxic Wellbeing, Terrible Beauty, and New Water Literacies” at Living in End Times Utopian and Dystopian Representations of Pan-crises in Fiction, Film and Culture: A (Virtual) Interdisciplinary Conference, 14 January, 2021—Cappadocia University, Turkey
- Hawke Mackenzie, Shé (2020): “Becoming Eco-fluent: Being with Nature”, paper at Surviving the Anthropcene: Eco-Pedagogy and Eco-philosophy for a New Age, Public Lectures, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 17 April 2020.
- Škof, Lenart (2020): “From Pneumatische Wasserheilkunde to New Environmental Thinking”, paper at Surviving the Anthropcene: Eco-Pedagogy and Eco-philosophy for a New Age, Public Lectures, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 17 April 2020.
- Spannring, Reingard (2020): “Subjective Experience As The Basis For Connectivity And Respect In A More-Than-Human World?”, paper at Anthropocenes: Reworking the Wound, University of Katowice, Poland in association with European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, 19 June 2020. Book of Abstracts – Antropocenes: Reworking the Wound 2020 (PDF).
- Hawke Mackenzie, Shé (2020): “A Critical Need for Environmental Literacy – Re-wilding Human Consciousness”, paper at Anthropocenes: Reworking the Wound, University of Katowice, Poland in association with European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, 19 June 2020. Book of Abstracts – Antropocenes: Reworking the Wound 2020 (PDF), Youtube.
- Škof, Lenart (2020): “From Breath to Respiratory Philosophy”, workshop at “Breath Symposium 2020 INSPIRE / EXPIRE”, Wits Institute for Social & Economic Research (WISER), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, 11 November 2020,
- Hawke Mackenzie, Shé in Spannring, Reingard (2020): “Education for Sustainable Development: Writing your Water Story – being with water«, paper at »Compulsory Modul 6: Universal Values – Education for Sustainable Development«, Public Lectures, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 21 October 2020.
- Hawke Mackenzie, Shé (2019): “Mutually co-evolving: Nature, Culture and the value of Inter-disciplinary Research”, conference dinner guest speaker at 4th International Conference of Ocean Governance for Sustainability– Challenges, Options & the Role of Science, National Institute of Biology (NIB), Piran, Slovenia, 25 November 2019.
- Škof, Lenart and Hawke Mackenzie, Shé (2019): “Surviving the Anthropocene through Inventing New Ecological Justice and Biosocial Philosophical Literacy”, paper at Integral Green Economy for a Better World (IGE), Poljčane, Slovenia, 22 November 2019.
Public scholarship papers by our project members:
- Dolšak, Nives, and Aseem Prakash (2021): »Mitigate or Adapt: Republicans and Democrats Disagree about Climate Spending.«, December 18, 2021.
- Dolšak, Nives, and Aseem Prakash (2021): »The Message from Glasgow: Climate Politics is Local.«, December 1, 2021.
- Dolšak, Nives, and Aseem Prakash (2021): »Heat Waves are a Local Health Hazard: Firms Should Plant Trees in Poor Neighborhoods.«, June 23, 2021.
- Dolšak, Nives, and Aseem Prakash (2021): »Nomadland, economic disruption, and the need for “just climate transition.”«, April 12, 2021.
- 3×30 Ideas from Integral Green Slovenia: 61. Inter-disciplinary Approach and Partnership with Nature in Humanities to Survive the Anthropocene, Idea contributed to the Transversal and cross-cutting issues to the COnference on the Future of Europe, November 9th, 2021.
- Dolšak, Nives, and Aseem Prakash (2020): »The Green Revolution Is In Trouble: Here’s Why Indian Farmers Are Protesting.«, December 20, 2020.
- Škof, Lenart and Hawke Mackenzie, Shé: Podnebne spremembe in naša skupna človečnost, Delo, 22 March 2020.
- Hawke Mackenzie, Shé: Odnos do narave moramo spremeniti, Radio Koper, 27 April 2020.
- Hawke Mackenzie, Shé: OBLETNICA DNEVA ZEMLJE/ Naj bo svetovni dan Zemlje vsak dan!, Regional Obala, 22 April 2020.
- Hawke Mackenzie, Shé: PRIMORSKI ČEBELAR BOŠTJAN TROBEC OB SVETOVNEM DNEVU ČEBEL: “Obeti za prihodnost so zaskrbljujoči”, Regional Obala, 19 May 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: West Coast Wildfires Reveal Massive Governance Failures,, 13 September 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: National Parks And Pebble Mine Reveal The Influence Of Competitive Elections And Conservative Celebrities,, 29 August 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: Urban Heatwaves Are Worse For Low-Income Neighborhoods,, 14 August 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: China’s covid-19 stimulus plan isn’t as green as it looks,, 30 June 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: Heat Waves, Solar Rooftops, And Renewable Energy Jobs: Climate Equity Should Guide Decarbonization,, 3 July 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: National Parks Enjoy Bipartisan Support; Let’s Back State Parks, Too,, 11 June 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: Siloization of Climate and Public Health: The Case of Covid-19, Global Policy Journal Blog, 26 May 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: Climate Change Helped Global Cooperation. Will Coronavirus Undermine It?,,11 April 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: “Just (Climate) Transition” Provides A Roadmap For “Just (COVID-19) Containment”,, 4 April 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: Coronavirus Mimics Climate Politics: The Emerging Frame Of “The Cure Is Worse Than The Disease”,, 26 March 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: Coronavirus Encouraged Pro-Climate Behaviors: Here’s How Earth Day Celebrations Could Help Sustain Them,, 19 March 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: Here’s Why Coronavirus And Climate Change Are Different Sorts Of Policy Problems,, 15 March 2020.
- Dolšak, Nives: Coronavirus And Global Supply Chain Disruption: A Wake-Up Call For Climate Policy?,, 7 March 2020.
Events organized/co-organized by our members:
- International Transdisciplinary Symposium Airy Encounters: Respiratory Philosophy and Sound Arts. Co-organised by Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute of Philosophical Studies, Slovenia, and Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Helsinki, June 6–8, 2022. Programme and Abstracts.
- Launch of the AquaMOOC. Hosted by Reingard Spannring (University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education, Austria ) and Shé Hawke (Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, Koper, Slovenia), April 8, 2022. Web page.
- Breathable Cities, Breathable Communities. Online international workshop co-organized by Centre for Sustainability and Life Skills, Bennett University (India), Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Science and Research Centre Koper (Slovenia) and Alma Mater Europaea – Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (Slovenia). April 8, 2022.
- Building Back Better – A Greener, more Resilient Europe: An Integral Framework of Learning for Sustainability Transitions and European Green Deal. A scientific and innovation panel of the humanities section of the 10th International scientific conference “It’s About People 2022: Embracing Digital Transformation for a Sustainable and Ethical Future.” The panel took place on March 18th 2022. Besides the moderators of the panel, Dr Darja Piciaga from the initiative for the Integral Green Slovenia and the PI of the project Dr Lenart Škof, the collaborators of the panel were: Dr Alexander Schieffer (Center Trans4m and Home for Humanity), Dr Nives Dolšak (University of Seattle, USA, and AMEU ECM – project team member), Cliona Howie (European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Climate-KIC) and leading researchers of the project ECO-SMART – dr. Alessandro Manzardo (University of Padova) and Dr Liliana Vižintin in Dr Suzana Škof from ZRS MIOS, Koper.
- Listening and Polyphony: Echoes of Phenomenology, Ethics, and Environmental Studies. International seminar for postgraduate students, online, November 23rd, 2021. The seminar was held in the frame of the bilateral project Listening & Polyphony: Echoes of Phenomenology, Ethics and Anthropology (ARRS BI-LV/20-22-006), and co-organised by Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute for Philosophical Studies; University of Lativa, Interdisciplinary Research Centre of the Academic Library; and AMEU, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis.
- Surviving the Anthropocene: Towards elemental literacy and inter-disciplinary partnerships. Online International Symposium at Iceland (online), May 24–26, 2021 An interdisciplinary symposium co-organized by Institute for Philosophical Studies, Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia; Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, Science and Research Centre, Slovenia; Department of Philosophy, University of Iceland, Iceland; University of Innsbruck, Institute for Educational Sciences, Austria; Alma Mater Europaea ECM, Slovenia.
- “Človek človeku človek”, round table organized by Slovenska matica and Science and Research Centre Koper, 5 October 2020,
- “1. Green Camp”, youth camp organized by Zelenci, 24-28 August 2020,
- “Graditi regenerativno skupnost s celostnim ustvarjanjem znanja, ki vodi do družbenih inovacij – Afriško/zimbabvejska perspektiva”, public lecture organized by Science and Research Centre Koper, 25 November 2019.
- Aqua App and Water Literacy Research Development, University of Innsbruck and Science and Research Centre Koper, 14-18 July 2020. Aqua App and Water Research Development (PDF).
Evaluation of bibliographic indicator of scientific performance according to the ARRS (Slovene)