Poligrafi (1996- ), is a peer-reviewed annual scholarly journal for philosophy. The journal is published by the Scientific Publishing House Annales ZRS Koper (from 2013) and Society for Comparative Religion (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Its primary aim and mission is publishing scholarly articles covering the wide range of philosophical topics with a more prominent accent on ethics, philosophy of religion, and cosmology.
ISSN 1318-8828 (print), ISSN 2232-5174 (online)
Online edition of Poligrafi is available here.
Financial support: Slovenian Research Agency.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement (pdf)
About the journal
The journal Poligrafi is a quarterly, with two double issues.
Indexed in: The Philosopher’s Index
Editor-in-Chief: Helena Motoh (ZRS Koper)
Editorial Board: Lenart Škof (ZRS Koper) Igor Škamperle (Univ. of Ljubljana), Mojca Terčelj (Univ. of Primorska), Miha Pintarič (Univ. of Ljubljana), Rok Svetlič (ZRS Koper), Anja Zalta (Univ. of Ljubljana), Nadja Furlan Štante (ZRS Koper)
International Editorial Board: D. Kleinberg-Levin (Northwestern University), R. A. Mall (Universität München), M. Ježić (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb), M. Volf (Yale University), K. Wiredu (University of South Florida), D. Thomas (University of Birmingham), M. Kerševan (Filozofska fakulteta, University of Ljubljana), F. Leoncini (Università degli Studi di Venezia), T. Garfitt (Oxford University), M. Zink (Collège de France), A. Louth (Durham University), P. Imbert (University of Ottawa), Ö. Turan (Middle-East Technical University, Ankara), B. Mezzadri (Université d’Avignon), A. M. Bárabas (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Oaxaca), M. Uršič (University of Ljubljana), K. von Stosch (Universität Paderborn), G. Andrejč (University of Groningen), J. Robbins (Lebanon Valley College, Annville), N. Vahanian (Lebanon Valley College, Annville)
Book Reviews-Editor: Tomaž Grušovnik
Online editions
Poligrafi 95/96: Ženske v medreligijski izgradnji miru (2019)
Uredili / Edited by: Nadja Furlan Štante, Anja Zalta
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Strani / Pages: 170
- Nadja Furlan Štante, Anja Zalta: Ženske v medreligijski izgradnji miru: uvodnik
- Zilka Spahić-Šiljak: Spoj islamskega feminizma in izgradnje miru: izkušnje iz Bosne
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Ženski glasovi in akcije v medreligijskem dialogu in religijski izgradnji miru v slovenskem kontekstu
- Amra Pandžo: Ženski religijski mirovni aktivizem v Bosni in Hercegovini
- Manca Račič: Začetki gibanja za pravice žensk v Maroku: pojav delitve na islamski in sekularni feminizem
- Maja Lamberger Khatib: Pojav in razvoj feminističnih gibanj v Egiptu
- Anja Zalta, Mourad Ben Jomaa: »Ministrice, borke, ambasadorke, policistke …»: religijsko-ideološki vplivi pri demokratizaciji in izgradnji miru v Saharski arabski demokratični republiki (SADR)
- Wangmo Tenzin: Od mirnega uma do splošne odgovornosti
- Maja Pucelj: Percepcija zakrivanja muslimanskih žensk
Poligrafi 93/94: Meeting East Asia (2019)
Poligrafi 93/94: MEETING EAST ASIA
Edited by: Helena Motoh
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 167
- Helena Motoh: Meeting East Asia
- Chikako Shigemori Bučar: Alma M. Karlin’s Visits to Temples and Shrines in Japan
- Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik: Death in Beijing: Alma M. Karlin’s Description of Chinese Funerary Rituals and Mourning Practices
- Byoung Yoong Kang: A Death in the Photo: Understanding the Korean Empire through Alma Karlin’s Black and White Photograph of the Funeral Procession in front of Daeanmun Gate
- Klara Hrvatin: Alma Karlin’s Musical Miniatures: Japanese Musical Instruments from the Collection of Alma M. Karlin and their Relation to
Religious Music - Helena Motoh: Confucius, a Yugoslav Nationalist – Representations of Confucianism in Pre-WWII Slovenia
Poligrafi 91/92: Ontologies of Asylum (2018)
Edited by: Lenart Škof, Barbara Gornik
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 246
- Barbara Gornik: Ontology of Asylum
- Kelly Oliver: Carceral Humanitarianism, Impossible Testimony, and the Paradox of Refugee Detention
- Shé Hawke: The Exile of Greek Metis: Recovering a Maternal Divine Ontology
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Gender–Based Violence, Religion and Migration: Women as Symbols of Cultural Identity
- Lenart Škof: Refugee Crisis, Vulnerability and Ethics of Cohabitation
- Samo Skralovnik: ‘Under the shadow of my roof’ (Gen. 19:8). The Law of Hospitality in the Bible
- Maja Bjelica: Asylum as Hospitality: Relistening to Derrida
- Klaus-Gerd Giesen: A Short Essay on Statelessness and Cosmopolitan Citizenship
- Barbara Gornik: Refugees and the Human Right to Seek Asylum: To Derogate or not to Derogate, That is the Question
- Ilona Silvola: Asylum Seekers, the Church and Finnish Society: Understanding the Situation Through Hannah Arendt’s Concept of “The Right to Have Rights”
- Bojan Žalec: Arendt and Refugees (at present): Personalist Anthropological Foundations of the Ethics of Refugeeism
Poligrafi 89/90: Religija in družbena pravičnost (2018)
Edited by: Maja Bjelica
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 164
- Maja Bjelica: O družbeni pravičnosti z vidika religije: uvodnik
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Položaj žensk in odnos do narave: ogledalo družbeno-religijske pravičnosti
- Igor Jurekovič: Religija in družbena pravičn-ost: prelomi teologije osvoboditve
- Clemens Sedmak: Z dokazi podprt dialog: povezava med religijo in revščino skozi prizmo randomiziranih kontroliranih poskusov
- Ignac Navernik: Cerkev kot globalni sindikat ubogih: teološka izhodišča
- Maja Bjelica: Spodbude k pravičnosti v naukih in obredju turških alevijev
- Uroš Dokl: Monoteizem in humanistične vrednote: ali je mogoče misliti enega Boga globalno?
- Lucija Čok: L’education interculturelle : espace ouvert aux rencontres de la Raison et de la Foi
Poligrafi 87/88: Religions and Dialogue (2017)
Edited by: Helena Motoh, Lenart Škof
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 146
- Vojko Strahovnik: Humility, Religions, and Dialogue
- Lenart Škof: On Some Foundations of Pluralistic Religious Science and Theology of Multiplicity
- Helena Motoh: Accommodation and universalism: an early modern experiment in religious dialogue
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Feminist Theology as a Special Philosophy of Religions and Theology of Religions
- Bojan Žalec: Christianity and Islam: the Same God and Semantical Externalism
- Maja Bjelica: The Turkish Alevi: In Search of an Identity
- Mari Jože Osredkar: Theology of Sacrifice
Poligrafi 85/86: Islam and Democracy (2017)
Poligrafi 85/86: ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY
Edited by: Anja Zalta, Muhamed Ali
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 192
- Muhamed Ali and Anja Zalta: Introduction
- Muhidin Mulalić, Ahmed Kulanić: Religious Extremism vs. Multiculturalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Hikmet Karčić: Challenges and Temptations: Debates and Reactions of the Islamic Community to the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995
- Jeton Mehmeti: Religious contestations in post-independent Kosovo
- Özgür Kaymak, Anna Maria Beylunioğlu: An Analysis of National and Minority Identity Relationality: The Case of Antiochian Eastern Orthodox Community in Istanbul
- Orsolya Falus: Waqf as a Traditional Legal Institution for Social Responsibility according to Natural Law
- Sami Al-Daghistani: Morality or Money? Democracy and Islamic Economic Predicaments
- Oskar Opassi : Muslims as the European “Other”: Between Self-awareness and Fundamentalism
- Maja Pucelj: Islamophobia and Xenophobia in Slovenia Through the Eyes of Covered Muslim Women
Poligrafi 83/84: "Borders/Debordering" (2016)
POLIGRAFI 83/84: “BORDERS/DEBORDERING”: Towards a New World Culture of Hospitality
Edited by: Helena Motoh and Maja Bjelica
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 240
- Helena Motoh and Maja Bjelica: Welcome
- Janko M. Lozar: Debordering the Borders of Time: Towards the Primordiality of Hospitality
- Lana Pavić: Hospitality as a Virtue of the Place
- Rok Svetlič: Debordering of the Border and Its Limit
- Maja Zadel: The Meaning of National and Cultural Borders Among Inhabitants of Slovenian Istria: a Case Study of Italo-Slovenian Transculturality
- Dragan Potočnik: Maribor: In Search of The City’s Identity after the First World War
- Peter Jordan: The Border between »Ours« and »Theirs« Drawn by Place Names
- Angelos Evangelou: Peace-Making within the Green and Liminal Border of Cyprus
- Shiva Hemmati: Debordering the Borders of Self and Other, and Matter and Spirit in Mysticism
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Women’s Voices and Vulnerability: Invisible and Visible Obstacles
- Cara Judea Alhadeff: Decolonizing Our Wombs: Gender Justice and Petro-Pharmaculture
- underliningscollective (uC): together writing : fragments
Poligrafi 81/82: Identiteta Evrope (2016)
Poligrafi 81/82: Identiteta Evrope
Edited by: Anja Zalta and Rok Svetlič
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 278
Poligrafi 79/80: Trpljenje (2015)
Poligrafi 79/80: Trpljenje
Edited by: Lenart Škof, Tina Košir Mazi, Maja Bjelica
Price: 20,00 Eur
Pages: 248
- Tina Košir Mazi, Lenart Škof in Maja Bjelica: Uvodnik
- Katarina Babnik, Urška Bogataj in Doroteja Rebec: Neznosno trpljenje kot individualno izkustvo bolnega
- Anton Mlinar: Patične kategorije: od trpljenja do trpečega človeka
- Mari Jože Osredkar: Esej o krščanskem pojmovanju trpljenja
- Bojan Žalec: Kierkegaardova vesela ≫novica≪: ≫Bog je ljubezen≪ kot temelj veselja v trpljenju
- Rok Svetlič: Trpljenje in udomačitev biti človeka
- Igor Škamperle: Bližina smrti
- Klelija Štrancar: Eksistencialna vprašanja med trpljenjem in paliativno nego
- Marija Mojca Terčelj: Drugačen obraz trpljenja: pojmovanje smrti v Mehiki in religiozni sinkretizem v današnjih obsmrtnih obredih
- Tomaž Grušovnik: Nepripoznanje trpljenja živali: eksistencialni razlogi
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Ekonomija izkoriščanja narave in Gajino trpljenje
Poligrafi 77/78: Čuječnost: tradicija in sodobni pristopi (2015)
Poligrafi 77/78: Čuječnost: tradicija in sodobni pristopi
Edited by: Anja Zalta, Tamara Ditrich
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 248
Anja Zalta, Tamara Ditrich: Uvod
- Tamara Ditrich: Predstavitve sati v pālijskem budističnem kanonu
- Jana S Rošker: Čuječnost in njena odsotnost: razvoj pojma in meditacijskih tehnik čuječnosti na Kitajskem od daoističnih klasikov do siniziranega budizma šole Chan
- Borut Škodlar, David Srakar: Čuječnost v psihoterapiji
- Ana Arzenšek: Čuječnost kot pozitivno-psihološka intervenca v psihološkem svetovanju
- Manja Globevnik: Kvalitativna analiza doživljanja posledic vadbe čuječnosti med mladostniki
- Anja Zalta: Čuječnost kot orodje za razumevanje in transformacijo konfliktov
- Sebastjan Vörös: Sedenje z demoni: Čuječnost kot eksistencialno-transformativna praksa
- Andrej Ule: Čuječnost, zbranost in predanost
- Urban Kordeš, Olga Markič: Čuječnost kot orodje za raziskovanje zavesti?
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Pot pozornosti kot pot opolnomočenja žensk
- Raid Al-Daghistani: Murāqaba in muhāsaba: duhovni tehniki sufizma
Poligrafi 75/76: Poesis of Peace (2014)
Poligrafi 75/76: Poesis of Peace
Edited by: Helena Motoh
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 180
- Helena Motoh: Poesis of Peace: An Introduction
- Janko M. Lozar: The Philosophical Poiesis of Zarathustra’s Vision and the Riddle: Back into the Circle of Time towards the Groundless
- Yūjin Itabashi: “No Effort, Just Peace” – Peace and its Ground-less-ness in Nishida’s Philosophy
- Tomaž Grušovnik: The World Undone: Environmental Denial and Environmental and Animal Rights Education
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Goddess Gaia and an Earth Healing Spirituality of Peace
- Carlo Chiurco: Rarefaction. Nature, Philosophy, and Ethics: Images of Metaphysical Peace in Venetian Renaissance Painting (1500–1510)
- Lev Kreft: Mars Disarmed by Venus and the Three Graces
- Maja Bjelica: Music as Peace: An Interspace of Intercultural Dialogue
- Sebastjan Vörös: The Autopoiesis of Peace: Embodiment, Compassion, and the Selfless Self
- Alen Širca: Pax Mystica: Mystical Dimensions of Peace and their Application in Contemporary Intercultural Discourse
Poligrafi 73/74: Duhovnost žensk na slovenskem (2014)
Poligrafi 73/74: Duhovnost žensk na slovenskem
Edited by: Nadja Furlan Štante, Marjana Harcet
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 204
- Nadja Furlan Štante, Marjana Harcet: Žensko obličje duhovnosti: zborniku na pot
- Maca Jogan: Ženske in zmešnjave v »naravnem redu«
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Ženska duhovnost v Sloveniji: med tabujem in prakso
- Marjana Harcet: Ko zrcalce obmolkne in se prebudi želja po subjektivnosti
- Tina Ban: Sveti kraji novodobniške duhovnosti
- Sonja Bezjak: Kaj so počele ženske v samostanih?
- Snežna Večko: »V enem samem poletu ljubezni …«: Duhovnost uršulink na Slovenskem
- Ela Porić: Duhovnost je njen način življenja
- Erika Schauer: Moje odkrivanje boginje – v enajstih slikah
Poligrafi 71/72: Mistika in misel (2013)
Poligrafi 71/72: Mistika in misel
Edited by: Sebastjan Vörös
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 335
- Sebastjan Vörös: Mišljenje nemisljivega: zborniku na pot
- Sebastjan Vörös: Odpoved sebi in svetu: o mistični (ne)vednosti
- Andrej Ule: Razumni govor in mistični molk
- Gorazd Andrejč: Eksistencialna občutja in verski jezik: pozni Wittgenstein in protestantska teologija mističnega
- Raid Al-Daghistani: Epistemologija srca: kontemplacija – okušanje – raz-sebljanje
- Ana Bajželj: Na kraju spoznavanja: premislek o naravi izrednih spoznavnih načinov v indijskih filozofijah
- Jan Ciglenečki, Borut Škodlar: Mistična in psihotična izkustva: projekt »Parmenides«
- Alen Širca: Ruusbroecova mistična misel
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Ženska mistika, pot intuicije in ljubezni kot transreligijski fenomen
- Milosav Gudović: Mistika in eksistencialna dialektika: razmišljanje o duhovnem (pre)boju v delu Jakoba Böhmeja
- Helena Motoh: Prevajanje mističnega izkustva: Wang Daiyujev Veliki nauk islama [清真大学]
- Sami Al-Daghistani: Premišljanja o realnosti, absolutu in popolnem človeku – pogledi Toshihiko Izutsuja na sufizem in daoizem
- Marko Uršič: O sencah idej
Poligrafi 69/70: Living with Consequences (2013)
Edited by: Tomaž Grušovnik
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 194
Guest Editor’s Introduction
Tomaž Grušovnik
- Nadja Furlan Štante: Biotic interdependence: from the perspective of ecofeminist theology
- Emily A. Holmes: Ecofeminist christology, incarnation, and the spirituality and ethics of eating
- Mădălina Diaconu: Diversity as a moral imperative and aesthetic value
- Paul Haught: Place, narrative, and virtue
- Evelyn Schulz: Japan, march 11, 2011, and its aftermath: reflections on issues of environmental ethics and society
- Vojko Strahovnik: The difficulty of animal question
Poligrafi 65/66: Bodily Proximity (2012; reprint 2013)
Poligrafi 65/66: BODILY PROXIMITY
Edited by: Sigrid Hackenberg Y Almansa & Lenart Škof
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 288
- Bracha L. Ettinger: Choice for a virtual exhibition III: Paintings, drawings, notebooks 1987-2011 Bracha L. Ettinger: Diotime et le transfert matrixiel: l’événement-rencontre psychanalytique comme prégnance dans le beau (2007)
- Gina Rae Foster: The dissonant resonance of becomings: copoiesis and (non-)pulsed time in musical proximities
- Julia Hölzl: In/possible relation: being, time, death
- Roula Haj-Ismail: The impossibility of being self/other
- Tadashi Ogawa: Global philosophy from the viewpoint of living flesh
- Wolfgang Schirmacher: Homo generator in the postmodern discussion: From a conversation with Jean-François Lyotard
- Lenart Škof: Ethics of Breath: Towards New Ethical Spaces of Intersubjectivity
- Stephen David Ross: Living with the animals… In the fullness of our nonidentities…
- Sigrid Hackenberg y Almansa: A secret life of the hand
- Anne Mulhall: ‘This is where my head begins’: things, trauma and feminine proximities
Previous issues
previous issues are available at www.poligrafi.si
Poligrafi 67/68: Država in moralnost (2012)
Poligrafi 67/68: Država in moralnost
Poligrafi 65/66: Bodily Proximity (2012)
Poligrafi 65/66: BODILY PROXIMITY
Edited by: Sigrid Hackenberg Y Almansa & Lenart Škof
Price: 20,00 Eur
Journal: Poligrafi
Pages: 288
- Bracha L. Ettinger: Choice for a virtual exhibition III: Paintings, drawings, notebooks 1987-2011 Bracha L. Ettinger: Diotime et le transfert matrixiel: l’événement-rencontre psychanalytique comme prégnance dans le beau (2007)
- Gina Rae Foster: The dissonant resonance of becomings: copoiesis and (non-)pulsed time in musical proximities
- Julia Hölzl: In/possible relation: being, time, death
- Roula Haj-Ismail: The impossibility of being self/other
- Tadashi Ogawa: Global philosophy from the viewpoint of living flesh
- Wolfgang Schirmacher: Homo generator in the postmodern discussion: From a conversation with Jean-François Lyotard
- Lenart Škof: Ethics of Breath: Towards New Ethical Spaces of Intersubjectivity
- Stephen David Ross: Living with the animals… In the fullness of our nonidentities…
- Sigrid Hackenberg y Almansa: A secret life of the hand
- Anne Mulhall: ‘This is where my head begins’: things, trauma and feminine proximities
Poligrafi 63/64: Modeli sveta (2011)
Poligrafi 63/64: Modeli sveta
Poligrafi 61/62: Natural history (2011)
Poligrafi 61/62: Natural history